Careful and attentive attitude, to prevent a woman's own health problems during the initial phase of their development to warn of serious and trivial disorders. Can notice a change in women's health and allocated by the mucous genital organs, namely, pathological changes indicative of mucus and why the gynecologist visit.

Type secretes mucus, women
Vaginal mucus is in the nature. This characteristic of the body is a woman. The vagina of mucus, usually of different origin and can be explained by the norm.
Like there is normal discharge signs:
- May be black, white or red color;
- Why redness, itching or burning sensation;
- Odorless;
- There is a small amount;
- Of course asymptomatic – in the absence of temperature, pain and discomfort.
It should be noted that the norm – that a small amount of time. Plenty to choose from should be a wakeup call women.
Mucous fluid generally – mark extensions to the normal functioning of women. It is a standard figure for any age range.
START, 1. the moon of life due to hormonal changes mucus discharge occurred in the middle of every fair weak humanity. Within the first month of life, mucus – phenomenon demolition motherboard now hormone.
This maturation, one's own sexual hormones and mucus appears again – more frequent in pubertate period.
Usually equivalent to the production of mucus pieces from the period a year ago. Mucus this juice with rice, sour smell similar 8 years.
Once the installation begins a menstrual cycle will be the selection for Eventum, their appearance changes. During the first half of the cycle, the mucus is usually medium, his consistency and the second stage occurs.
Depending on the type of allocation split of its admission:
- White. The reasons can be revealed vaginitis, colpitis, adnexitis. Watching them while taking a view of also, oral contraceptives, still in the pelvic area, violation of a rule, personal care, as well as a sedentary lifestyle;
- Transparent. Hormones in the body that depend on the number, the phases of the menstrual cycle. Their presence speaks about the works of the ovary. Composition contains particles such as secretions and inflammation of the lymph cells, both sebaceous and sweat glands, and the cervical Canal mucus, microorganisms, leftovers work;.
- Slimey. Not such a pathology until the color and fragrance of choice. Otherwise, to pass, and your doctor a comprehensive analysis;
- Aqueous.
Normal development, selection that does not require an intervention, you may be an expert:
- Insufficient shaped, cream or gel substance. The second phase of the natural cycle;
- Transparent discharge natural ovulation phase;
- Bloody mucus with stripes – spawning after a while drink.
- Slimy cream clot – pieces before in nature;
- White clots – while taking oral contraceptives;
- Pink ichor – confinement, natural during the postpartum period;
- Selection cream, unprotected sex, or when using a condom. This odorless discharge and cause itching.
In the form of mucus discharge women: causes
Reveals the reason may be a large number of secretions. Distinguished because of their consistency and at the same time, the selection means depending, fragrance and color. So to distinguish received:
- Detecting. Prior units. However, you may erosion or a cervical cancer symptom development. Adenomiose, or the violation of the menstrual cycle can be seen. A sudden Discharge with blood may be the pioneers, with the development low early ectopic pregnancy;
- Thick cheesy sparkling selection may indicate infection;
- Smelling discharge, testify to the development of pathogenic microbes, beginners to parse the body. This process constitute nutrient decomposition gases thrown fragrance;
- Mucus or grease, before or after sex. Usually stimulated, the gland produce the vagina prior to, the effective lubrication – norm. If discharge after sexual intercourse odor (second day), it may be cleansing the body, sperm, unprotected act. However, the presence of such mucus bleeding, that may evidence the presence of vascular cervical erosion. When you are prompted, white , or yellow discharge after sex during sexual intercourse Yesil a document once a week or so of infection.
You should also know that this mucus – norm:
- first sexual contact;
- changing sexual partners;
- when stimulated, sexual contact before, during, and unprotected sexual intercourse.
Front to the front waist:
- if you have a foreign body into the vagina;
- an advanced diabetes;
- during development of polyps;
- if you have a uterus other benign formations;
- during development of the malignant process in the cavity of the uterus.
Interestingly, cancer of the uterus passes under the process transparent and a watery discharge. There is a bad odor discharge, blood with a small contribution.
The uterus inflamed endometrium and cervical mucus can enhance mucus secretion, fluid, watery texture. Strip this surface will be dirty.
Why a clot of mucus abundant women
Mucus secreted by a special gland in the cervix. This production often has a certain smell. Background and works depending hormonal, ovarian and menstrual cycle changes in discharge consistency and their character.
Abundant mucus a clot – a cause for concern, this fact attesting to an entity, the vagina is a different type of microorganism. Clots can occur in parallel, emitting, pain, burning, or itching.
Countless research have confirmed, penetration, highlighted the presence of opportunistic microorganisms, the expression of woman's vagina microflora abundant mucus. Such microorganisms is prone to rapid reproduction, respectively, may change every day feeling.
Quite often the "guests" are:
- A number of mushrooms candida;
- gardnerella.
Canker dysbacteriosis development and required their presence.
Secretes mucus when women with
Very important read carefully, anything to watch out for your own health. In the determination of any discharge, a different norm, you should consult an expert. In particular, such a discharge to occur if accompanied by symptoms of.

Treatment and prevention
Plenty of vaginal secretions and mucus treatment recommends visiting a gynecologist, on the basis of an examination made a diagnosis.
Self-treatment because it does not usually lead to good results, no systematic and complexity. Corruption often leads to many complications for such an irresponsible approach to health and development.
For the treatment of the infections most frequently included activities:
- Douching. In this case, the appropriate use of herbal medications or fees;
- Private bathrooms use;
- Intake, oral medications, in which the action is designed to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms;
- Application candle, vaginal birth.
A gynecologist examination validation shows that four degrees of purity:
- First-degree suggests pathogens control reaction should be acidic, the rule her vagina lactobacillus, in the absence of pathogens;
- The number of leukocytes in the second degree should be more 10 in the plan must be induced by lactobacilli performance. This reaction is acidic and existing pathogens.
The first and second degrees are important, women's health, confirm the lack of pathologies.
The following two degree – pathology:
- At this stage, Wednesday becomes alkaline, in this case India, which can be detected conditional stimulants, increased white blood cell count;
- The fourth degree is characterized by the abundance of white blood cells, pathogens. Stick to Causes and lactobacillus is completely missing.
The expert will provide a timely objection in the initial stages of the disease may stop, so to get rid of the inflammation of sexual organs within a short period of time.
Generally, timely and correct treatment on the market reduces mucus eliminate uncomfortable symptoms.
Mucus leaving the middle by the female reproductive organs – norm and a partial physiological process in the body.
Increase the amount of his consistency and the smell of change – why worry requires that consult an expert. The first symptoms of the pathology should be considered in the doctor-gynecologist.
Importantly, be careful to minimize contact of microorganisms in health and the reproductive organs – to obey the basic rules, personal hygiene, pathology in the early stages of systematically different by a gynecologist visit. To change systematic therapy courses.